Monday, 15 April 2013

MLP:FIM & "Lost Girl" - the issue of changing, part 2

And so the 3rd season of “Lost Girl” came to a close. What can I say about it? It was rushed.

The first two thirds of the 3rd season (pardon the alliteration) were about Bo digivolving into the next stage of the succubus-hood. Regrettably, all came down to Bo reviving Dyson from the dead, and while I have nothing against the good ship Bo/Dyson, I have to point out that the powers of life and death are not associated with the succubae as a rule. Yes, obviously, Bo was initially made a succubus because her being would be simply cliché, but she could have at least grown wings or a tail or something along those lines.

The make-up budget for the show didn’t allow an extensive amount of prosthetics in the BtVS fashion?  
 Perhaps, but they did not have to be worn for a long amount of time – just long enough to make an impression. Instead, we had Bo appear (in flashes) looking crazy with some sort of a savage hairstyle, clearly implying there were horns, just really cheap knock-offs.

That said, my main problem is the last third of the plot in the season: out of nowhere the issue of human-Fae interaction finally came ‘online’... and Vex has basically wasted the Morrighan. What a waste. She survived Aoife and the Naga-Garuda feud only to fall to one of her ex-minions. Oh well.

Still, the Morrighan’s fate is just one of the casualties that befell the 3rd season of “Lost Girl”. The previous seasons were generally wholesome and coherent, while this one appears to be more of two seasons, two plotlines, smashed into one, with only some moderate connections between the two of them – namely, Bo’s father, the Wanderer.

What sort of a Fae is the Wanderer? The Wandering Jew, maybe? Because I seriously doubt that Aoife slept with Carl Wanderer, an infamous American murderer. I mean sure, Aoife can probably sleep with a murderer if she wants to get ahead, she does not shy from killing people herself, but Carl Wanderer was a real-life person, and “Lost Girl” doesn’t mess with the real world all that well.

That said, I am nowhere near certainty regarding the identity (or the species?) of Bo’s dad. At the end of one of the episodes, Mr. Trick (who at the end of S3 went off to Scotland with the blonde Stella-star), looked at a rather Jersey Devil-like image: this was the episode’s heavy hint that Bo was going to meet him in the future – i.e., her dad might be the Jersey Devil or a similar creature...

Yet all of this is besides my point, which is as following: two thirds of the S3 were spent on Bo being forced by an internal reason to evolve, and once she did (and proved it by bringing Dyson back to life), this whole plot just vanished into thin air, leaving Bo in a messed-up relationship with Lauren, and nothing else. That is just wrong and unfair both to Bo and to the audience: if both have spent so much time with Bo’s evolution, then either this sort of an abrupt dismissal does not make sense, or Bo’s evolution was unnecessary, because it can be dismissed so abruptly. Pick your choice, or make your own theory, I am listening.

If Bo’s metamorphoses have amounted to nothing, then so have Twilight Sparkle’s, actually. Firstly, the comics (which take place after MLP: FIM S3) show her as a unicorn, rather than an alicorn. Why? Twilight’s ascension was a big deal, to ignore it in the comics seems wrong, again (as is the case with Bo).
Let me elaborate (hopefully). In MLP, an alicorn is a superior being (towards other ponies), to become an alicorn is essentially is to stop being a pony (regardless of the sub/species) and to become a demigod of some sort. In the show, TS became an alicorn, in the comics she did not. And again, WTF? If her becoming an alicorn is a big deal, then the comics should not ignore this; if it is so easily ignored, then it is not a big deal and should not have been made in the first place: the alicorn princess Trollestia is not canon, TS and her friends did not have to be pranked so nastily.

Unlike “Lost Girl”, though, I have a theory: when TS became an alicorn at the end of S3, this caused a backlash of criticism from the show’s fans, so now, if not Lauren Faust herself, then the other members of the Hasbro team scurry to undo the damage caused by this ep. In particular, they have released information that TS shall not outlive her friends, she is not immortal, she is not really an alicorn – just the same old TS, just with a pair of wings stuck to her sides. Someone, call Celestia – Trollestia has really messed this one up, a millennium up on the moon (or the sun, or a planet) is required to cool her off while the rest of the alicorn family and the Mane 6 undo her damage.

Seriously though: just like Bo, TS has been transformed by external forces outside her (their) control, and after the transformations were complete, neither of them received any benefits from this – on the country, Bo’s transformation has now become obsolete and/or ignored, while TS’s transformation has not done only that, it is in the process of becoming nullified. Why? Why have them go through it if those transformations are not going to stick? I have no idea, but both Hasbro and Showcase have let their heroines down, period.

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