Monday, 26 February 2018

Post-Olympics - Feb 26

The Olympic games of 2018 are over, and we are about to get back to several of our regular TV shows, including ‘Blindspot’ and AoS. Yay!

…Setting ‘Blindspot’ aside, (it is still a good show, just not as good as the first 2 seasons had been), AoS has been making noise lately about them reaching their 100th episode. Well, not just them, but also Marvel proper, one supposes. On Feb 16, 2018, Marvel has released the ‘Black Panther’ movie, which has made its’ own splash, but by now things have died down somewhat so AoS should avoid any conflict of interest with the movie, (also, ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ has become available on DVD and Blu-Ray, but after the Kree in S5 – and all of them died – AoS has probably filled-out its’ alien quota for the season…perhaps). Where were we?

AoS tried to tap into the African power of the ‘Black Panther’ movie by featuring Flint, an Afro-American InHuman with limited telekinetic powers: all he could really do was smash rocks together and throw them at other humans and Kree with a deadly speed: in the first part of AoS S5 that was all he did and now the agents have left the future and returned to their own time – the present/past…if they succeed at figuring out just who did destroy the world and blamed Daisy, then the future of Deke, Flint, Tess and the others will never come to be – and then what?

And then the rosy finale of the first S5 story arc, where Tess and Flint sit in a spaceship of some sort, and with sheer adoration and puppy-like optimism behold the still-ravished planet Earth and hope that Coulson, Daisy and co. have made it, will never come to be – something else will. Okay.
Logical inconsistences and twists have plagued AoS since S3, if not the second half of S2, and real life isn’t much better – Mueller, for example, has discovered that there was Russian meddling in the US election, (and US didn’t meddle in politics abroad? Really?), they were more about discrediting Hillary, not electing Trump. Trump won largely on his own power, and Hillary lost correspondingly. Now what?

Well, US will have to admit that it has wasted a year chasing phantoms that were not there to satisfy their own political issues and move forwards. The Russian Federation can still be brought to heel, the European Union won back, and the Asian issues resolved…hopefully without starting WWIII, nuclear version, because apparently America’s multitasking skills aren’t sufficient to do all of the above and chase the phantoms, so it will now choose, what it wants to do…if it wants to do anything at all. It is impossible to predict what America and its’ people will do next, but…it is obvious to admit that the denial about the Russian involvement in the American affairs is not helping. US has to recognize that the post-Cold War period when it safely rested on its’ laurels is over and begin to do damage control to its’ internal and external problems, because otherwise? That’s it. The end of ‘Pax Americana’ and everything that it tried to stand for. Does America and its’ people want that? Since it is impossible to tell with the Americans, (especially from the outside), who knows…

Therefore, this is it for this time…hopefully, see you later this week with the returned AoS.

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