Thursday, 21 June 2018

Reverie, 'Blue' - June 21

‘Reverie’… amazing, it continues to improve as it introduces more variety in the mix. The previous episodes had titular characters who would get turned inside out in the reverie to achieve their goals, (both there and in the real life); this time, we have a character – Glenn – who doesn’t, but who actually uses the character to become some sort of a Robin-Hood-like hero, get over his phobias (in real life), and succeed. This is variety, and it is important, because it gives ‘Reverie’ greater chances of success, as opposed to APB and ‘Deception’. (Both of which were ‘Castle’ imitations, but honestly, they were not so bad; we will have to wait to see properly the next one, ‘Take Two’, to reach any conclusion about it).

Furthermore, in ‘Blue’, ‘Reverie’ introduced a new character, Oliver, who is…so much an imperfect copy of Grant Ward from AoS, but that is okay – AoS had tried to rebuild Ward so many times that making a perfect copy of him is impossible. What matters is that ‘Reverie’ is still a clone of AoS – Charlie is Coulson, Mara is Daisy, and so forth – it is stronger than AoS was; it is more consistent, and in case of Charlie and his part-time girlfriend, ‘Reverie’ is tackling interracial relationships immediately, while in AoS they didn’t, not really. Phil and Mel got back together at the very end, when it became obvious that they have to, or else – just go their separate ways, because Coulson, as a character, is dying. On AoS, that is – in the rest of MCU he is going strong, as the upcoming ‘Captain Marvel’ movie already suggests, so good for him!..

Back to ‘Reverie’? Yes, it is still an AoS clone, but one that is trying to separate itself from the original; its’ characters are imitations, but not 100% ones, but are trying to become more derived from the originals instead. Good for ‘Reverie’, and maybe it will give the show just the right amount of oomph to last for several seasons than just for one.

Anything else? FH is silent once again, after the big revelation. So far, all the new updates include more cosmetic changes, which is simply sad. FH is trying to be a strategy/gore game, not a fashionista one, right? Because otherwise, it really went down the wrong path. But again, we will need to see more in the future.

This is all for now, see you all soon instead!

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