Thursday, 16 May 2019

CD, 'Two Player' - May 16

Obligatory disclaimer: real life sucks. GoT seems to give it a run for its money, though, but first – C&D.

The excitement in the lives of our plucky and intrepid characters, C&D, Ty & Dy, you name them, you know them, keeps on coming. This time, they got to play in the land of the dead to rescue Tyrone from, well, dying. Yay!

…Of course the depiction of Baron Samedi was decidedly campy and possibly not very respectful towards the loa version of Hades, (just look at Riordan’s Jason Grace series to connect the dots), but then again, C&D treat the other depicted loa of the series – Papa Legba – in a very bizarre way, so there’s that.

It would be nice to move onto the living now, but firstly, we must mention Edita’s aunt Voodoo, who is officially dead, and her niece will now be the next voodooist of New Orleans…at least until the end of S2, after which it’s anyone’s guess how the cast will change. In particular, Tyrone’s family, including his mother, Adina, have changed some, Adina in particular has acquired some vigilante traits of her own, less suitable to the S1 version of her than to Mayhem.

Mayhem and detective Brigid have made their peace at last, and they are back in one body, and Mayhem is the dominant personality, for now. Honestly, we can safely say that while the cast of C&D is tight, their script is not, not so much, and while the main cast of C&D is small, the scriptwriters did not always figure out how to balance them out, as they did in AC, in the not-so-distant past. Father Delgado seems to be back, but right now, he seems to be more of a sounding board for Adina and the show never really figured out how to utilize Mayhem & detective Brigid to their full potential, (though their actress was still quite awesome, no argument here). Instead they got a storyline that meandered all over the place and will probably come to a head in the next week’s episode, when Mayhem and Tandy will face-off over ‘a girl’, most like Andre’s ‘girl Friday’, whom he had used up and discarded. Apparently, she is still alive, and can be rescued, physically, if not anyhow else.
Yes, Lia is both a victim and a villain, not unlike the canon take on Kara Palamas/agent 33 in AoS S2, but she’s treated much better here as a character, with much more respect and professionalism by C&D’s cast, which makes C&D a better show than AoS, who treats its’ characters like crap – and that brings us to GoT.

GoT S8 sucks. AoS has its own flaws, it certainly lags behind C&D, ‘Blindspot’, AC and others, but never there had been a fan petition to remake a season. In case of GoT S8 there is. Will it amount to nothing? Naturally, most petitions just vanish into oblivion, though sometimes there is some recognition of it, especially online, but that is it. There’d been a petition or something, (on top of anything and everything else) to cancel Brexit in the UK before it even got started, but the U.K. government went onwards with it anyhow, and now they’re in a worse mess than Westeros is – and I doubt that GoT S8 will have a remake.

Why? Because it is the series finale, no muss, no fuss, no S9. People are largely done with it, with ‘people’ meaning cast and crew: it is over; it’s not going any further. People have invested in it, and now they are done with it, and are moving on. To SW, if rumors are of any indication; apparently, SW has changed its’ approach again, and will release a plethora of new movies in the recent future. Will it bite them in the ass? Probably yeah, but they will act all stupid and say ‘What is that? Why? We were so sure!’ the end. Moreover, GoT is at its’ end too, and suddenly the fans’ opinions, ratings, numbers, etc. do not matter so much anymore.

Of course, it is not as straightforward as it may sound; the premiere episode of AoS S6 was summed up with a number 2.31 – the same number that came with the AoS 5x07 episode ‘Together or Not At All’. This is low number, but AoS is gamely plowing on ahead regardless. Good luck to them, and we will see them tomorrow, this Friday, hopefully.

This is it for now; see you all soon!

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